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Breaking Free Book

Breaking Free from Addiction:

The Journey Back to Father's Design

by  Pastor Wayne  (Author)

You didn't wake up one morning suddenly obsessed with the idea of experimenting with addiction. Neither did your friends, set out to see you wither and die a slow and painful death. After all, they were your friends. It was a trap. And you my friend fell into it. It's important to understand the trap you fell into so you can avoid it next time. But right now, you need help to break free. It's time to have a real conversation about your life. Not a rant and not any oh baby stuff either. What you need and what you really want is a conversation that has some love and grace and yet still tells you the truth you need to hear. "Breaking Free from Addiction" is thirteen conversations about your life, about how you got where you are, what you need to do right now, and where you are going to end up. No, not in a pine box. You are going to end up back in real life being and doing what your Father God designed for you. It's your life and your future. So, let's talk about it, shall we?

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